A visit you won't forget!
Are you looking for a unique and exclusive acquisition experience?
Are you looking for the perfect piece of art for your decor?
Here is a unique opportunity!
Meet the artist in his universe.
It is possible to visit my studio/gallery in Stoneham at any time, by making an appointment at your convenience.
It's that simple!
This is a wonderful opportunity to immerse yourself in my world and discover my work space, my inspirations and my available works.
To experience it in person is to connect together.
It's also about stepping into my intimacy and challenging your imagination.

We will discuss your interest in art and your current or future needs.
I will be able to share with you the process of creation of each work and its history, which I take care to write on the back of each canvas.
You will witness the steps that brought a work to fruition.
Every drop of effort, love and creativity that went into making the final result.
It will be my pleasure to share tips, answer your questions and guide you through a world that promises to dazzle you with its symbolic textures and vibrant colors.
What are you waiting for?
Galerie Aro | 418-657-0120
2682 Talbot Blvd. Talbot, Stoneham