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Change history!

Aro a Quebec artist to discover!
Aro a Quebec artist to discover!

Do you know the history of art in Quebec?

If you have followed me since I started, you know that I was once introduced as the modern day Riopelle on TVA Nouvelles and I didn't know who he was.

I know, with all my humility, I am starting from very far.

But art having chosen me, I have since done my homework.

There was a time when art went hand in hand with religion, and creative freedom had to be constrained by certain conventions.

In 1948, some artists wanted to change things...

By signing the Refus Global manifesto, 15 artists, including Riopelle, revolutionized the art world and abandoned old traditions to embark on a more modern and free world.

You may be wondering where I'm headed with this unexpected history lesson.

One question keeps floating in my mind.

How, in 2023, can Quebec artists in turn change history or at least be part of it?

The art of creating is also about creating a legacy for future generations.

To write the history of culture, in our city, our province and our country.

To be recognized at home.

What is the way to get there?

Who will be the next Riopelle or Corno of Quebec?

Will I one day be considered among this elitist list of artists who have succeeded in writing the history of art in Quebec?

I hope so with all my heart.

And I also know that it doesn't depend on me at all.

That it is the way people look at my work that will be the driving force.

Riopelle, Pollock, Miro are inspirations for me and they serve as a reminder that it is possible to believe.

We must never forget those who have walked the road before us.

It is by walking beside their footsteps that we can make our own way!

What do you think about it?

Aro xxx


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